Features: horizontal navigation to multiple pages within site, header image homepage link, inline images,figure boxes, image maps, web forms containing input boxes, field sets, required values, drop down boxes, custom buttons, and validation patterns.
Features: horizontal navigation links to multiple pages within site, example menu layout, example event boxes, bullet points, header image homepage link, and a side element.
Features: vertical navigation links within website and to outside websites, checkmark and icon lists, blockquotes, and inline images.
Features: grids, float elements, and in browser scrolling (Links to infographics, about us, specials, and home page).
Features: Figure Boxes, background styles, shadows, gradients, transparency, three deminsional transformations, and image maps.
Features: responsive design, media query designs, flexible items, and print outputs.
Features: CSS web table, and responsive design.
Features: web forms containing input boxes, date/time fields, field sets, required values, drop down boxes, sliders, check boxes, custom buttons, and validation patterns.
Features: audio, video, text track, third-party video players, transitions, and CSS animation.